Scientific programme

Besides the invited keynotes, the LaP2025 meeting will include organized symposia related to the special theme “Interventions to promote cognition and well-being“, and free papers on various aspects of learning and plasticity presented as posters. Note that besides the congress presentations, the meeting provides ample opportunities for informal scientific discussions amongst the participants.

The detailed program for LaP 2025 will be posted on this page in March 2025.

LaP 2024 program


Registration at Äkäshotelli (Auditorium)

Opening words

Matti Laine, Minna Lehtonen, Juha Salmi

Keynote Lecture 1

Arne Ekstrom: Navigating beyond the cognitive map

Short break

Symposium 1 – Cognitive maps, from space to concepts

Organizer: Luca Rinaldi

Roberto Bottini: Structuring knowledge across reference frames: Beyond hippocampal cognitive maps

Lukas Kunz: Neurons in the human entorhinal cortex map abstract emotion space

Luca Rinaldi: Retrieving spatial representation from natural language

Welcome Reception


Keynote Lecture 2

Nora Newcombe: Charting our way in space and time

Coffee break 15 min

Symposium 2 – Sharpening spatial cognition through participation in aesthetic experiences and implications for healthy aging

Organizers: Mariya M. Vodyanyk & Susanne M. Jaeggi

Petra Jansen: Motor expertise and spatial cognition

Aston McCullough: Dance-like state detection and curiosity: A pilot study on artful movement and mindfulness

Marina Martinčević: “Draw, not to withdraw”: Drawing as memory aid in older adults adults

Mariya Vodyanyk: Engaging mindful awareness and visuospatial cognition through observational drawing

Short break

Symposium 3 – Virtual reality in neuroscience and clinical research of spatial cognition

Organizer: Juha Salmi

Neil Burgess / Katarzyna Rudzka: Immersive virtual reality, dissociating the neural mechanisms of linear and angular path integration

Emiliano Macaluso: Visuo-spatial attention control in virtual environments: from explicit goals to implicit memories

Claudia Repetto: Embodied Spatial Cognition in Virtual Reality: Manipulating Perspectives and Frames of Reference for Cognitive Study and Rehabilitation

Jenni Uimonen / Siiri Laari: Virtual reality tasks with eye tracking for mild spatial neglect assessment

Poster session 1
(Äkäskabinetti) and coffee

Benavides-Varela S, Brigadoi S, Pasquini A, Piperno G, Porru A, Geraci A, Di Giorgio E, Lunghi M, Regolin L, Lucangeli D, Rugani R.: Neural Correlates of Spatial-Numerical Associations in 7 months-old infants: an fNIRS and a longitudinal study.

Kluge A, Cotroneo S, Levy J.: Three ways to detect how outgroup interventions modulate thinking patterns.

Hsu Y-F, Tu C-A, Hämäläinen JA.: Both local and global prediction errors show linear age-related declines.

Triana AM, Salmi J, Hayward N, Saramäki J, Glerean E.: Effects of daily environmental, physiological, and lifestyle factors on functional brain connectivity.

Liu X, Zhou W, Nolan F.: Interaction of emotion types and stimulus modality in L2 English emotion perception by Chinese English learners: An eye-tracking study.

Benlamlih K, Augier M, Roy AC, Boulenger V, Brozzoli C.: Effects of a longitudinal tool-use training on the comprehension of complex syntactic structures in French.

Santacroce F, Tosoni A, Di Censo D, Sestieri C, Committeri G.: Objective regularities extracted for generalisation of episodic experience in semantic knowledge.

Rinne N, Wikman P, Sahari E, Salmi J, Alho, K.: Exploring the development of interhemispheric connections in neurotypical adolescents and young adults.

Salmi J, Aquilino B, Riihimäki H, Kangas S, Kärhä S, Alho K, Wikman P.: Brain regions involved in auditory and visual attention: a meta-analysis.

Noppari T, Tuisku J, Lukkarinen L, Tani P, Lindberg N, Saure E, Lauerma H, Tiihonen J, Hirvonen J, Helin S, Salmi J, Nummenmaa L.: Autism spectrum disorder is associated with decreased and uncoupled dopamine D2 and μ-opioid receptor binding.

Anceresi G, Gatti D, Marelli M, Vecchi T., Rinaldi L.: The spatial representation of valence: Insights from words and pseudowords processing.

Stamer, S, Maßalsky, A, Klimecki, O, Wirth, M.: REMINDer: A randomized controlled pilot study to assess feasibility and effectiveness of a multimodal online intervention on overall physical and mental well-being in older adults

Keynote Lecture 3

Christian Doeller: Structuring experience in cognitive spaces

Symposium 4 – Consolidation of spatial memories during sleep
Organizer: Miriam Nokia

Jozsef Csicsvari:
REM and non-REM sleep antagonistically influence reactivation drift in the hippocampus

Heikki Tanila:
Is transfer of memory from the hippocampus to the neocortex during sleep the failing link of recent episodic memory in Alzheimer’s disease?

Symposium 5 – Spatial cognition in language and reading: brain, eye-tracking, and cognitive studies

Organizers: Paavo Leppänen & Susannah Otieno-Leppänen

            Xichu Zhu, Hongjun Chen, Ariane Tretow, Wei Qi, Susannah Otieno-Leppänen, Paavo H.T. Leppänen: Visuospatial attention and hemispheric processing of Finnish words and objects: An MEG and eye-tracking study

Wei Qi, Ariane Tretow, Béla Weiss, Hongjun Chen, Otto Loberg, Xichu Zhu, Susannah Otieno-Leppänen, Jarkko Hautala, Paavo H.T. Leppänen: Sentence reading of alphabetic Finnish and logographic Chinese: Combined MEG and eye-tracking study

Samuel Juma, Otto Loberg, Jarkko Hautala, Laura Kanniainen, Carita Kiili, Paavo H.T. Leppänen, Susannah Otieno-Leppänen: Examining the association between cognitive profiles and online research comprehension of typical readers and readers with learning-related difficulties

Closing the meeting