
Abstract submission

Deadline for abstract submission is the end of December 2nd (Eastern European Time), 2024. Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection will be sent within two weeks after the deadline. All abstracts must be submitted in English by sending them as email attachments to LaPabstractsubmission@gmail.com

The abstract should be a Word file or in a Word-compatible format. The maximum length of the abstract is 400 words, excluding the title, the author names, the affiliations, and the references. No figures or tables are allowed. Please make sure that the whole abstract fits to a single page. It is recommended that the abstract follows the common format:

  • Title
  • The authors and their affiliations
  • Background: Introduction and the hypothesis or research question.
  • Methods: The study design, participants, and experimental methods.
  • Results: A short summary of the major findings.
  • Conclusion: Interpretation of the findings and their importance.
  • References: These should be kept at minimum or omitted altogether.

Model abstract click to open an example of the formatting of the abstract.

All abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, and the notice of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitting author only. For each abstract accepted for presentation, at least one author must register to the meeting by January 31, 2025, and present the contribution. We will decide on the form of presentations after the submission deadline has passed when we know the number of abstracts. The accepted abstracts will be printed in the congress abstract leaflet.